Boldyrev D.A., Galushkin I.G., Krasnopevtsev A.Yu. Correction of through defects in cylinder block castings by brazing
The possibility of flux-free sealing of through casting defects in the casting of the «Cylinder block» of a passenger car using a copper melting electrode is considered. Sample preparation and investigation of the fusion zone of the solder joint «gray cast iron with lamellar graphite – copper» of a sample with a soldered through shell of the cylinder block casting with a copper electrode of the «Komsomolets 100» brand were performed. A compositionally strengthened structure consisting of a highly porous ?-phase in cementite dendrites has been obtained, which has less brittleness due to the plasticity of copper and increased strength. The technical feasibility and effectiveness of eliminating through shells, irregularities of foundry origin in cylinder block castings by arc brazing with a copper melting electrode have been confirmed.
Keywords:Through pores, discontinuities, arc brazing, gray cast iron, casting, cylinder block, copper melting electrode, composite structure.
Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L. Wear-resistant metastable austenitic steels 130G7TL and 120G10FTL, their properties and applicatio
Data on 130G7TL and 120G10FTL steels with metastable austenite, in which the effect of self-hardening under loading (SHL) is realized, are presented. It is shown that for the most effective use of these steels in comparison with the standard 110G13L steel, widely used in industry, it is necessary that the stability of their austenite corresponds to specific wear conditions during operation, quantified by the coefficient of dynamism (Cd). 130G7TL and 120G10FTL steels with a lower manganese content than standard steel can successfully replace it and provide resource and energy savings.
Keywords:Steel, metastable austenite, deformation martensite, self-hardening effect under loading.
Batyshev K.A., Semenov K.G., Svinoroev Yu.A., Georgievskij M.G. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu alloy castings
The study of copper silumin castings obtained by casting with crystallization under pressure was conducted, the macrostructure of the castings obtained at different pressures, mechanical properties (strength, plastic properties), and melting temperature ranges were investigated. Changes in the strength and plastic properties of castings with the addition of lead and the dependence of the size of lead inclusions on the pressure during crystallization were analyzed.
Keywords:Aluminum alloys, mechanical properties, microstructure, pressure, crystallization.
Svinoroev Yu.A. Environmentally safe casting binders made on the base of processing of plant raw materials
In particular, a composition of the core mixture based on the developed binder composition intended for foundry cores for the production of heating radiators was developed and tested. The costs associated with the modification process are not significant. The use of the proposed modifiers will significantly improve the competitiveness of lignosulphonates, since their binding capacity will become comparable with such materials as oil binders and urea-formaldehyde resins. At the same time, the environmental characteristics of lignosulphonates (gas content, component composition of emissions) are not changed, and this allows to improve the ecological situation at the enterprise and sanitary and hygienic conditions at the workplaces.
Keywords:Foundry production, casting binders, lignin, technical lignosulphonates, modifiers, binding capacity.
Evstigneev A.I., Odinokov V.I., Chernyshova D.V., Evstigneeva А.А., Usanov G.I. On one way to increase the crack resistance of shell molds according to smelted models
The results of a theoretical study of the stress-strain state (VAT) of a shell mold (OF) during solidification of a steel casting in it and the use of temperature seams (recesses) are presented on the lining and outer layers of the shell. The results of numerical simulation of the crack formation process in SF using the coordinate-free numerical method, author's solution algorithms and software are presented. The calculation results are presented in the form of diagrams of stress fields.
Keywords:Shell shape, stress-strain state, cracking, stress, displacement.
Gaintseva E.S., Shaikhutdinova I.I. Improvement of the manufacturing quality of cooled turbine blades with the use of a hybrid expert system
This paper explores the use of a hybrid expert system (ES) for designing the internal cooling cavity of a turbine blade. The application of the hybrid ES enables partial replacement of a specialist expert in problem-solving situations, facilitates the identification and explanation of new knowledge acquired during the system's operation, and automates the selection of technological parameters during the design process. This leads to improved quality of the produced blades, thereby increasing the economic efficiency of their production.
Keywords:Hybrid expert system, knowledge base, cooled turbine blade, casting defect.
Table of content
Boldyrev D.A., Galushkin I.G., Krasnopevtsev A.Yu. Correction of through defects in cylinder block castings by brazing
Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L. Wear-resistant metastable austenitic steels 130G7TL and 120G10FTL, their properties and applicatio
Batyshev K.A., Semenov K.G., Svinoroev Yu.A., Georgievskij M.G. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu alloy castings
Svinoroev Yu.A. Environmentally safe casting binders made on the base of processing of plant raw materials
Evstigneev A.I., Odinokov V.I., Chernyshova D.V., Evstigneeva А.А., Usanov G.I. On one way to increase the crack resistance of shell molds according to smelted models
Gaintseva E.S., Shaikhutdinova I.I. Improvement of the manufacturing quality of cooled turbine blades with the use of a hybrid expert system