Number 7, 2014
Èçäàòåëüñêèé äîì «Ëèòåéíîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî» âûïóñêàåò äâà ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèõ æóðíàëà ñ ïåðèîäè÷íîñòüþ: «Ëèòåéíîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî» – åæåìåñÿ÷íî, «Ìåòàëëóðãèÿ ìàøèíîñòðîåíèÿ» – 1 ðàç â 2 ìåñÿöà.
english version ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà èíôîðìàöèÿ äëÿ ðåêëàìîäàòåëåé çàêàçàòü æóðíàëû

Interview with the Director of ZAO “Magnitogorsk Forming Roll Plant” S.V. Tsybrov

Nikitin V.I., Nikitin K.V., Chernov V.A., Krivopalov D.S., Timoshkin I.Y. Testing Fine-Crystalline Inoculants for Treating Aluminum Melts at MtP OAO “AVTOVAZ”
Were influenced bymodifyingfine-grained alloys producedby special processing methods (liquid phase, crystallization, deformation) on the properties of alloys automotive applications. In metallurgical production, «AvtoVAZ» conducted experimental -industrial work on testing and implementation of fine-grained modifiers. The 4 steps performed on two research projects. Givenconcrete recommendations to improve the processing and smelting technologies siluminsunder "AvtoVAZ".
Key words: Aluminum alloy, modification, grainedligature, intermetallics, heredity, microstructure, mechanical properties, casting.

Krushenko G.G. Improving the mechanical properties of castings made ofsystem Al–Si–Mg alloy with the use of temperature treatment of liquid metal
The result of use the temperature treatment of liquid metal to improve the mechanical properties of castings made of system Al–Si–Mg alloy is described.
Key words: Al–Si–Mg-alloy, temperature treatment of liquid metal, mechanical properties of castings.

Prach E.L., Mikhalenkov K.V. Development of a New Al-Mg-Si-Mn System Alloy with a Li Addition
Casting alloys of Al–Mg–Si system are the most common and usable in the automotive and aircraft industry. To improve properties of the system various additives use, the most successful are Mg, Si, Fe, Cu, Zn. Widely used commercial alloy Hydronalium 511 was taken as a basis for the investigate alloy, as a modifying element lithium was taken. Aim of this work is to investigate structure and mechanical properties of the new cast alloy.
Keywords: Cast Al–Mg–Si aluminum alloys, aluminum alloys, modification of lithium, mechanical properties, structure.

Ryazanov S.A., Amosov A.P., Nikitin V.I., Markov Y.I., Yermoshkin A.A., Titova Y.V. Inoculating the Al-2%Cu Alloy with SiC and Si3N4 Nanoparticles
The analysis and highlighted the main features of the modification alloy Al–2%Cu nanoparticles carbide and siliconnitride.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, modification, aluminum alloys, efficiency.

Kuznetsov I.A., Khazan G.L., Budyak Y.S. Manufacturing Trial for Evaluating the Effect of Molding and Core Sand Composition on Burning-on
The technological sample has engineered for which the conditions of occurrence metal penetration in casting frame lateral is reproduced. For this simulated the casting process.
Key words: Metal penetration, technological sample, moulding and core mixes.

Kuksa A.V. Development technology of making porous castings from heavy fusible metals free impregnation of filing pore-forming filler
A structurally-technological chart over, on the basis of that two devices are worked out and tested, is brought: as mold and sandy bar for making of standards of the porous founding from the heavy fusible metals of Zn, Pb of and other by a free impregnation (under the action of gravity). In experiments as a pore-forming filler applied filing up of granules of expanded polystyrene with a consolidating shell, hollow spherical shells and particles of common salt. Mold and bar confirmed the capacity.
Keywords: Heavy fusible metals, free impregnation, device as mold, device as a sandy bar, metallic reticulated shutter, porous zinc founding, porous leaden founding.

Savin I.A., Gavariev R.V., Leushin I.O. An efficiency increase of zinc allouys moulding under pressure by the optimization of compression mould thermal balance
In this article components of heat balance of process of casting under pressure are described. Possibility of reduction of influence of temperature impacts on a compression mold material due to use of the multifunction coverings which are put by a method of cathode and ion bombing (PVD method) is researched. The composition of covering which increases operational firmness of compression molds for casting under pressure of zinc alloys most is revealed by the experimental data.
Keywords: Heat balance, casting under pressure, a compression mold, operational firmness, zinc alloys.

Feklin N.D., Voronin Y.F. Way of elimination the gazovikh of sinks and porosity at vacuum and film molding
Presented article considers a question of decrease or a complete elimination of gas sinks and porosity in the casting made with use of vacuum and film molding. Having sufficient experience of production of castings by considered way, the purge through litnikovy system of a collected form by hot air with high temperature is offered. As a result the film evaporates and getting into the vacuumized part of a form is removed out of limits of a cavity of a form that creates settlement terms of gas sinks.
Keywords: Vacuum molding, gas sinks, analysis, gas mode of a form, film, purge air, quality, decrease in marriage.

Doroshenko V.S., Berdyyev K.Kh. Upgrading Equipment for Expanded Pattern Casting
A new table design for production EPS patterns for Lost Foam Casting Process. Describes the equipment for cleaning and cooling lines reusable molding compounds and examples of its outdoor installation foundry.
Keywords: Lost Foam Casting, autoclave, patterns, polystyrene, foam equipment, the molding sand.

Ogorodnikova O.M. Accumulation of residual stresses in metal materials during cooling after solidification
The origin and assessment of residual stresses during the casting process is discussed in the article. Thermo-mechanical behavior of single-phase metal under cooling in sand mould followed solidification was simulated. Sequentially the bound task of thermal and strength analysis was solved. Temperature fields and thermal deformations were calculated by means of computer methods.
Key words: Computer simulation, thermal deformation, residual stress, cast alloys.

Table of content

Interview with the Director of ZAO “Magnitogorsk Forming Roll Plant” S.V. Tsybrov

Nikitin V.I., Nikitin K.V., Chernov V.A., Krivopalov D.S., Timoshkin I.Y. Testing Fine-Crystalline Inoculants for Treating Aluminum Melts at MtP OAO “AVTOVAZ”

Krushenko G.G. Improving the mechanical properties of castings made ofsystem Al–Si–Mg alloy with the use of temperature treatment of liquid metal

Prach Y.L., Mikhalenkov K.V. Development of a New Al-Mg-Si-Mn System Alloy with a Li Addition

Ryazanov S.A., Amosov A.P., Nikitin V.I., Markov Y.I., Yermoshkin A.A., Titova Y.V. Inoculating the Al-2%Cu Alloy with SiC and Si3N4 Nanoparticles

Kuznetsov I.A., Khazan G.L., Budyak Y.S. Manufacturing Trial for Evaluating the Effect of Molding and Core Sand Composition on Burning-on

Kuksa A.V. Development technology of making porous castings from heavy fusible metals free impregnation of filing pore-forming filler

Savin I.A., Gavariev R.V., Leushin I.O. An efficiency increase of zinc allouys moulding under pressure by the optimization of compression mould thermal balance

Feklin N.D., Voronin Y.F. Way of elimination the gazovikh of sinks and porosity at vacuum and film molding

Doroshenko V.S., Berdyyev K.Kh. Upgrading Equipment for Expanded Pattern Casting

Ogorodnikova O.M. Accumulation of residual stresses in metal materials during cooling after solidification

Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ

June 2014         August 2014

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