Number 5, 2012
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Voronin Y.F., Voronin S.Y. Improving Quality and Reliability of Railroad Side Frame Casting
Discussed are the main defects of side frame castings that are characteristic for various foundries producing such castings. In most cases they include blowholes on the side of cores and mold, as well as nonmetallic inclusions. Proposed are techniques that allow to improve quality of side frame casting.
Key words: defects, oxidized blowholes, nonmetallic inclusions, oxide scabs, venting system.

Deyev V.B., Selyanin I.F., Mochalov S.P., Shakirov K.M., Prikhodko O.G. Practice of Use of Physical Modifying Influences in Technologies of Reception of Foundry Aluminium Alloys
Theoretical and practical aspects of application of physical modifying influences are considered at reception of foundry aluminum alloys.
Keywords: aluminum alloys, physical modifying influences, crystallization, quality of molding, microstructure, secondary raw materials, concentration and temperature gradients.

Isayev G.A. ZAO "Unirep-Service" - the 20th Anniversary

Colditz M. State of the art in the manufacture of flaskless, horizontally parted moulds
Especially in North America there has been a widespread use of flaskless moulding machines with horizontal separation for some decades. Since the late 1990's, this technology has been further developed on the basis of the Disamatic principle. The article describes the moulding process, its auxiliary equipment and the transport of moulds through the pouring and cooling lines. An account is given of the experience of North American jobbing foundries, as these have been using the machines since the start of the century, and examples are shown of their production of pattern plates, sand moulds and cast parts.

Ashkeyev Zh.A., Bukanov Zh.U., Karakeyeva G.Y. Combination of Casting and Forcing Through in Uniform-Hole Stepped Dies
Presented are results of investigating the technology of combining casting and forcing through in uniform-hole steppeddies. Analysis of the investigation results shows that the implementation of the method is possible under the condition that forcing-through resistance is lower than the required nominal force of the hydropressing unit, the value of which can be determined by formulas used in the work.
Keywords: forcing through, gating system, solidified casting, die holes, mold, punch.

Table of Content

Afonaskin A.V. Casting Production -the Basis of Growth of the Domestic Industry

Tkachenko S.S., Krivitsky V.S. Problems of Modernizing Casting Production for Machine-Tool Building

Pirainen V.Y. Low Quality of Large Wagon Castings. Ways and Means of its Improvement

Voronin Y.F., Voronin S.Y. Improving Quality and Reliability of Railroad Side Frame Casting

Deyev V.B., Selyanin I.F., Mochalov S.P., Shakirov K.M., Prikhodko O.G. Practice of Use of Physical Modifying Influences in Technologies of Reception of Foundry Aluminium Alloys

Isayev G.A. ZAO "Unirep-Service" - the 20th Anniversary

Colditz M. State of the art in the manufacture of flaskless, horizontally parted moulds

A special furnace design allows to use waste gas for ingot preheating

Ashkeyev Zh.A., Bukanov Zh.U., Karakeyeva G.Y. Combination of Casting and Forcing Through in Uniform-Hole Stepped Dies

Belobrov L.Y., Belobrov Y.A., Karpenkova O.L. ,Belobrov K.Y. Available Quickly-Drying Binders and Burn-on Preventing Coatings

С.A. Krause Ceramic Breaks the Mold

Palienko G.V., Okhrimenko G.P. Experience and Prospects of Casting Quality Improvement under the Conditions of PAO "Sumy M.V.Frunze Research-and-Production Association"

Русская версия

April 2011         June 2012

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