Number 12, 2010
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Kovalevich Y.V. Environmentally Safe Nodular Iron Production Technology
The article discusses a method of making nodular iron castings using fine-dispersed molding sand developed by OAO "TsNIITMASH", which ensures an inoculation behavior without pyroeffect with high Mg assimilation.
Key words: inoculation, master alloy, pyroeffect, fume evolution, Mg assimilation, fine-dispersed fraction

Chumanov I.V., Porsev M.A. To Question a Hardening Casting From the Mark Steel 110G13L
In work are described results of researches on studying of possibility of hardening castings from a wear-resistant steel 110G13L directly after their knockout from flask. It is shown, that a similar sort heat treatment not in all cases can replace the existing, standard scheme of hardening castings from manganese steel.
Key words: 110G13L, heat treatment, microstructure, austenite, carbides, hardening.

Taran S.B. , Akimov O.V., Marchenko A.P. Estimation of Thermal Endurance of Pistons in Dependence on Their Material
On the basis of statistical analysis of results of researches of the thermal state of pistons of engine and working descriptions of their material the criterion of estimation of thermal endurance is offered, the main constituent of which is specific work of resiliently-plastic deformation at a working temperature. It enables limited to the tests of standards on a break at the set temperature and to carry out comparatively the rapid estimation of fitness of pistons for the highly forced diesel engines.
Key words: piston, casting, material, aluminium, vermicular graphite iron, thermocycling, deformation, fracture.

Ogorodnikova O.M., Kokushkin N.V. CAD/CAE/CAM preproduction for zinc alloy die casting
An advanced approach for computer preproduction in foundry with use of CAD/CAE/CAM software is viewed; the problems of die 3D-designing, die casting simulation and ensuring high quality of castings at the stage of technological processes development are discussed. In the article the order of transparent projection and CAD/CAE/CAM preproduction is performed for the die zinc alloy parts.
Key words: CAD/CAE/CAM, die casting process, die, zinc alloys, computer simulation, cast defects.

Abdullin A.D. Computer Simulation of Casting Processes by an Example of the Locomotive-and-Carriage Repair Plant, Ulan-Ude
The article considers an example of simulating casting technology for the LocomotiveandCarriage Repair Plant, Ulan-Ude, using the ProCAST software package (ESI Group, France).
Key words: proCAST, computer simulation, casting technologies, casting process simulation, casting crystallization analysis, optimization, technologies, pattern making, mold making, alloy crystallization, shrinkage defects, casting cooling.

Zhegur A.A., Repyakh S.I. Feeding T-shaped Hot Spots in Investment Casting
The process of metal solidification in a lengthy T-shaped hot spot of a casting is investigated. An empirical relationship for dimensioning spheroidal risers to be set on T-shaped hot spots of castings has been obtained.
Key words: casting, solidification, hot spot, fillet, riser, riser neck.

Turilova К.К. Comparison of Russian and European foundries against the key performance indicator - Process Yield
This article outlines methodology and results of the recent resource efficiency benchmarking study of Russian ferrous foundry industry. The author highlights how foundries can improve their operational performance by looking specifically at one of seven key performance indicators (KPI) - process yield. Next articles in this series will present benchmarking results and recommendations for further improvements in another six KPIs: capacity utilization, total effective equipment productivity, energy consumption, sand consumption, fresh water consumption, labor productivity.

Table of Content

Kovalevich Y.V. Environmentally Safe Nodular Iron Production Technology

Chumanov I.V., Porsev M.A. To Question a Hardening Casting From the Mark Steel 110G13L

Taran S.B. , Akimov O.V., Marchenko A.P. Estimation of Thermal Endurance of Pistons in Dependence on Their Material

Monastyrskiy A.V., Smykov A.F. Peculiarities of Simulating Crack Initiation in Castings Using the "PolygonSoft" Casting Process Computer Simulation System as an Example

Ogorodnikova O.M., Kokushkin N.V. CAD/CAE/CAM preproduction for zinc alloy die casting

Abdullin A.D. Computer Simulation of Casting Processes by an Example of the Locomotive-and-Carriage Repair Plant, Ulan-Ude

Zhegur A.A., Repyakh S.I. Feeding T-shaped Hot Spots in Investment Casting

Turilova К.К. Comparison of Russian and European foundries against the key performance indicator - Process Yield

Русская версия

November 2010        January 2011

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